How to Make Eggnog

today we're making eggnog super creamy and I'll be spiking it with brandy and rum I'm excited to make this because it's kind of like a custard and an alcoholic drink mixed together with a horrible name alright our first step is to separate 6 eggs using clean hands ok

first egg white one there we go here's my whites I'm gonna set this aside and I'm gonna wash my hands now
cuz they're full of eggs now whisking in about a cup of sugar you can go a little bit lower 

if you want but it's a treat so I just look all the way for me and maybe about a tablespoon or half a tablespoon of vanilla paste I'm gonna give us a good whisk until it's nice and corporated and yellow light yellow and now it's time for the elephant
 so I think I will be doing a combination of bourbon and spiced rum then do a half a cup of each and then give it a little taste and see if I want to add a bit more this makes more than one drink it's feeling like the holidays by adding one cup of cream right now this is giving me bad memories of when I made some poor decisions in college and then one cup and 2 cups of Pullman give it a whisk and we're going to refrigerate this for about an hour right now

 I'll be right back ok a good cook actually almost tests the batter so let's give this little test to see if it's light that's good but we could definitely go higher on the Ellicott so other than half a cup of bourbon and the alcohol helps preserve this so it lasts longer in the fridge so while the eggnog is chilling we're gonna whip up our six egg whites until they reach the stiff peak stage then they'll get folded in and create a frothy creamy texture for the drink lock and hi okay those are stiff peaks perfect we're going to now fold this into our chilled mixture this could chill overnight by the way there's nothing out tall in it to keep it sterile okay 

now let's fold as a head of gently you want to preserve the creaminess and some of the air bubbles but you can't have giant masses of you know whipped egg whites if you're gonna drink switching to a whisk gently whisking that's better quarter teaspoon of nutmeg this is like a giant cocktail right now yeah

 I have half a teaspoon of cinnamon I'm not gonna use all of it though but I thought be a nice touch to make it a bit more holiday okay one final mix mmm that's smells great okay I don't have a fancy ladle so I'm using a measuring cup so each drink has about a cup of alcohol in it just kidding all right that's good don't tell anyone let's just garnish it with some not freshly grated nutmeg no one has time for that sorry and a tiny - this isn't beautiful all right bottoms up that's really good okay I'll be drinking all of this I'll see you later hope you enjoyed